NOTE: Racquetball will NOT be offered in 2025.
Events: Singles, Doubles, Mixed Doubles
Venue Location:
Competition Dates:
A schedule per day with events will be determined once numbers are known. See link at the top.
Racquetball Check-In Information:
All players must check-in at Franklin High School at some point before or after play for ID check and to receive a shirt and other items.
Medals: If you must leave before medals are awarded, please have a friend/athlete check your place and pick it up for you. Medals will also be mailed after receiving a request in writing, accompanied by a check payable to the TN Senior Olympics in the amount of $8.00 per medal for shipping. Mail to: TSO, PO Box 681, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121.
*Note - All athletes will not take the floor at the general start time. Check this page one week prior to the event for start times per age group.
Racquetball Rule Book